The road from Gianferrante Farmhouse Sicily to Montalbano Elicona is very easy and fast (83 km):
If you have google maps, search the start point "gianferrante self catering sicily" or "agriturismo gianferrante, paternò, sicily", then as arrive point "montalbano elicona".
Here are the gps points of Gianferrante and Montalbano Elicona, that you can easily put in your device (smartphone, tablet, or the navigator of your car).
Gianferrante: 37.562375, 14.886443
Montalbano Elicona (Castle): 38.023813, 15.010881
POI (points of interest in Montalbano Elicona):
- The castle built by the emperor Frederick II in 1233.
- Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta ans San Nicoloò Vescovo, built 1646.
- Church of the Spirito Santo, built 1310.
The view of the Aeolian Islands from the top of the village is immeasurable.
I'm sure you will like the charme and the well-mantained historical beauties of this 2000 people village, also called "the city of silence".
Please contact me through the form up this page for more informations.
Picture by Wikipedia.